Saturday, June 8, 2013


     I went visiting a Zoo/Animal park, because I cannot do hikes due to the rain, there was a sign board that said DANGER, DO NOT GET CLOSE TO THE ANIMAL, but I had a feeling to get close to these animals and see, then to my surprise as I had a laugh also, thinking if the zoo keepers here were crazy,,,,, it was a monkey that you could find almost any where ...

 The poor animal was with no tail, it’s a shame, I felt so bad, I guessed it was an angry animal, and that’s why they had mentioned not to approach the cage,,, but I felt so sorry for the poor animal and got a bit closer, the animal which was running all over the cage stopped at one place and started to look at me, maybe it was surprised to see me get close to the cage when all others stayed at a distance,,, I got a bit more closer,,, it was a strange sensitive feeling I had, I felt so sorry, this animal was gazing at me with no movement, “I feel so sorry monkey” with that thought turning in to word, I touched the animals hand, then to my surprise the animal also held my hand, in a few moments the animal was tamed as if it grew up with me......

 At the end it went up to the extreme of searching for lice in my hair...

 Most of us tend to think if an animal is cornered and ugly, that the animal is Cruel and fierce, try to be a bit kind/sensitive to an animal and see, they will also be sensitive back at us, they will like / love us in return, so let’s love and care about these innocent animals ...


1 comment:

  1. WONDERFUL BRO, its really true what you say,,,,,,,,,,
