Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Journey to Singapore

Everybody  loved to been to Singapore, at least once, once in a blue moon! So I too got a chance to visit that flamboyant country.
Not out from my own pocket but through our SHILPA SAYURA foundation.
So I flew with a bag full of full of hopes ...dreams to see beautiful places, meet various people and also to do bit of shopping. I needed the most to know about Singaporiens' society, culture and their lifestyle too..Actually this was my first flight travel! So naive! excited and nervous!  in short awesome!

Finally we landed to Singapore!
I was amazed at their technological  development and it's great extravaganza!

We were taken to where we were supposed to spare during our visit, after a shower and a rest, a thought made me overwhelmed! The train journey was fun!
the people I met on the way, the trouble underwent to get tickets!
the things passed by.......
It's true that later got used to though, but something.........something else unusual!
Unlike in Sri Lanka, the people were so much reserved. They were either engaged with their mobiles or tabs or some other electronic gadgets. Hardly noticed someone with smile drawn face!   I smiled! Smiled with a few.  But I think they were too busy to notice me!
 Some standing, some sitting... But in their own worlds! We had no even a tiny place there even as tourists! I felt! no! home sick. Amidst a crowd I felt lonely!
I felt that they are more friendly with those gadgets than people.  I beg your pardon! To be called them gadgets!. But I couldnt; give a better name for them in singapore than that. At most of the small
 small places, we did shopping,  sellers too were busy with them. I mean with gadget selling.
But thank god! The children! They smiled. Laughed too to our hearts' content.
But when they grow up I think that will  fades. I think technology is that much powerful!!!

Whatsoever I did not like that!

I mean that part of technology! That seclusion! That remoteness and isolation the technology has created in humanity! We learnt a lot too.  Like Technological universities, management schools....... etc

They obey rules and respect regulations not just ..just us but very highly! They never dump garbage irresponsibly like us! They love nature and try best to protect .

Though no common  I so something...... something common between them and us.
That was hope!!   Hope that always hoped and wished to be fulfilled!

 So why not me?  i to hopefully wished ''that is to keep smiles on people's face intact from technology!!!''.

                           That is the only visible evidence which shows human friendliness!